This morning’s newspaper brought an editorial from Mr.
Phillip Morris sadly titled, “It’s tough to find joy amid sorrow.” (The Plain Dealer, Dec 23, 2012, B1) The essay reminds us again of the recent difficult
events in our nation: the economy, Sandy, and the tragedy in Newtown among
others. Citing these sorrows, the author
sees no reason for celebration. Instead,
the words are a plea for a solution to stop such events in the future so we can
have joy again.
I am sure Mr. Morris is not alone in his feelings. Many struggle with the suffering, and find
themselves unable to see joy and happiness.
They search for someone to solve the problems and prevent future
heartache. They want a program, or a
law, or a new invention to put an end to suffering. While there will be valiant efforts to
prevent future sadness, that hope is vain.