19 June 2011

We are gathered here today...

It seems appropriate to start this blog by talking about why I am starting this blog. (Think of this as those few pages at the beginning or end of an actual book -- the foreward, dedication, acknowledgements, etc. I personally like to read those and understand what inspired the book. If you don't, you might want to skip this post.)

Has this ever happened to you? You are in the car alone, and the voice on the radio is expressing (ranting?) an opinion about whatever story is dominating the day. Suddenly, you find yourself talking to the radio, telling the talking head they don't have the slightest clue? For the rest of your drive you keep thinking about how simple the answer is, wishing you had the chance to explain your point of view?

Or maybe you were struggling with something around the house (a new recipe, a stubborn stain, a parenting dillema) and found the perfect solution. Didn't you want to tell everyone you knew about the answer?

Well, it happens to me all the time. I get excited about something I learned, or some story in the news, and I want to share it with others. And so this blog was born.

I know, it is not a very exciting explanation. No life changing event or special circumstance that suddenly inspired me. I haven't been in a terrible accident, overcome a dreadful disease, nor invented a world-changing technology. My wife and I aren't parents of multiples and don't have 19+ children. I am not on a life changing journey to cook every recipe in a book, or walk across the nation, or visit every country on the planet. I just want to write about what I think. (As a result, I can write about any topic I want. Cool, huh?)

So that's my story. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the posts. I am sure you will disagree with some. Post a comment if you do. Please just keep the comments to the subject. If your response revolves around the premise that I am ignorant, misinformed, or a @&?$* SOB, you don't have to take the time to post -- I have already been informed (multiple times).

Two last disclaimers before we begin.
  • First, I am not a doctor, lawyer, economist, nutritionist, butcher, baker, or candlestick maker. (How cool would that be as a job title though?) I have lots of opinions, and will share them. But if you are really looking for expert advice, please contact an expert.
  • Second, the articles and opinions I express here are not necessarily those of my family, employer, religion, political party, neighbors, or friends. These opinions are (in my very best screeching, two-year-old voice) "MINE! MINE! MINE!" Don't blame anyone else for them, and don't assume anyone else agrees.
That should do it! Thanks for reading, and please let me know what you think!


  1. This blog will be interesting. Did you know that you can remove melted crayon from your dryer with toothpaste? It is true. I know from personal experience :-) Good luck with your new and opinionated blog!

  2. This could come in handy after we come to visit. Now I will know what you really think. I will add this to the reader so I can stay informed!!
