14 August 2011

Corporations are people, too!

On Thursday, Mitt Romney was quoted as saying that "Corporations are people."  While the DNC has chosen to make fun of the statement, it is actually quite insightful.  In fact, the insight is one that I hope Congress members keep in mind as they attack the deficit over the next few months.  No, I don't mean they should keep in mind that corporations are people and should not be taxed.  I mean that they need to think past the obvious, and realize the implications of their actions and decisions.  Our government has a long history of missing the "unintended" consequences -- we can't afford that now!

07 August 2011

NON-random acts of kindness

Most of us have read about, or perhaps been involved in, a "random act of kindness."  We hear of someone paying the bill for the car behind them in the drive-thru, or putting coins in expired parking meters.  Many people contribute to overseas efforts to feed the poor, or provide health care to the sick.  All of these are great acts of charity, and certainly contribute to helping improve others' lives.
Sometime in the effort to do the charitable acts for "random strangers," we miss great opportunities to assist someone closer to home.  In fact, there are things you could do today, right now, that would make a difference, and will inspire others as well.  AND it will only take you about 10 minutes!  How is that for a chance to change the world?