07 August 2011

NON-random acts of kindness

Most of us have read about, or perhaps been involved in, a "random act of kindness."  We hear of someone paying the bill for the car behind them in the drive-thru, or putting coins in expired parking meters.  Many people contribute to overseas efforts to feed the poor, or provide health care to the sick.  All of these are great acts of charity, and certainly contribute to helping improve others' lives.
Sometime in the effort to do the charitable acts for "random strangers," we miss great opportunities to assist someone closer to home.  In fact, there are things you could do today, right now, that would make a difference, and will inspire others as well.  AND it will only take you about 10 minutes!  How is that for a chance to change the world?

Too good to be true you answer?  Let's start with a (purely hypothetical) situation....

Imagine you have just had an incredibly long, frustrating, busy day.  (I know it is a huge stress, and that your days always run smooth as silk, but just try to imagine.)  Your kids didn't want to listen today, and you swear if you hear a whiny "But Mom!" you are going to puncture your own eardrums!  Your car got a flat tire (like you have the time or money to fix that).  You were hoping to go exercise, but somehow that ended up changing into eating dinner at McDonald's as you ran the kids to their latest activity.  It is now 9 pm, and despite not having had a chance to breathe all day, your To-Do list is somehow longer than it was this morning. 

Okay, you can stop shaking.  (You can use a lunch sack to stop the hyperventilating.)  This is just a hypothetical.  It isn't happening for real (at least not since yesterday).  But maybe that day sounds familiar?  We have all had those days where we get to the end, and collapse on the couch, and wonder why we try. 

What if, on that (purely hypothetical) day, you logged into Facebook, and found a message from an old college friend (not a Wall post, a message).  Or you checked your email and found a note from your sibling.  Or maybe you finally went through the mail, and there was a card from your good friend that moved away last year.  When you open the message, you read something like this:

Hi Friend,
As I was running around today, I thought of you.  It made me smile, and made we wonder how you are doing.
I just wanted to let you know how important you are to me.  I know we don't get to see each other all the time, but I am grateful for our friendship.
Do you remember the time we got stranded after dinner, and ended up sitting on the curb while we waited for the tow truck?  We ended up missing the movie, but I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.  You always had a way of helping me smile when times were rough.  Sometimes, when I have hard days, I think about you, and I find a way to look at things differently. 
I have always been so impressed with the way you can make people smile and laugh.  Thank you for what you taught me, even when you didn't know you were teaching. 
I don't know if we will find the time to talk this week, but I wanted you to know I was thinking of you, and am grateful for you.
I hope you have a great day!
Your friend

Imagine how you would feel.  Getting the note doesn't fix the car, or cross things off the task list, or help you work off the "chocolate therapy."  It makes a difference though.  Your mood changes.  You smile (or maybe cry -- but a good cry.) Suddenly, you aren't alone, and you have the energy to start over the next day.

Words have power.  Kind, personal words, directed specifically at you, are incredibly powerful.  This is one of the reasons I like working for a card company.  I think we can actually make a difference in people's lives. 

So here is your chance!  You can change the world for at least one person today.  It is very simple. 
  1. Think of someone you know - a friend, a parent, a sibling, a coworker - someone who has made a difference in your life. 
  2. Think of something you like about them: a talent, a skill, a kind thing this person did for you.  Think of a story you remember when you laughed together, or when that person helped you out. 
  3. Decide how to send the message.  Do NOT post it on a Facebook wall, or send it in a text, or type it into your instant messenger program, or leave it in a voicemail.  You can't say enough that way.  Pick one of the following: write them a long message in Facebook, or send them an email, or go to http://www.cardstore.com and pick a card that can be sent directly to them in the mail.  (I know it seems like an ad, but I think cards are awesome!  And who doesn't like getting something besides bills!)
  4. Write the note to your friend.  Not sure what to say?  You can follow the simple formula in the letter above.  "I was thinking about you.... Remember when...?  I was so impressed by....  You made a difference to me because.... Thank you for... Have a great day!"
  5. Check it for spelling mistakes - make sure it really says what you want. 
  6. Hit send.
What are you waiting for?  It will take less than 15 minutes!  It will improve your friend's day 97.6%, guaranteed!  And as an added bonus, sending the note will make your day better too!  That's two lives improved for the price of one!  So don't delay!  Order now! 

Okay, maybe I can't guarantee a 97.6% improvement.  I do know it will brighten your day, and your friend's day.  This "NON-random act of kindness" will make the world a little bit better.  Not only that, you will find it makes a difference to you too.  Don't wait though.  That To-Do list will get longer.  Daily life will keep you from it.  Do it today!  Now if you can!

(Want to get even more out of it?  Leave a comment below and tell us whom you picked.  You will inspire others to try.  Now you are touching three, or four, or more lives!) 

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